Klavierschule Markt Bibart

Pictures of recent piano concerts with students

Klavierschule Markt Bibart's regular student concerts are an ideal preparation for contests, entrance examinations and other performances. Piano Concerts are also a great opportunity to show your family and friends what you've already achieved and to be inspired by many of the beautiful pieces played by the other artists.
To every piano concert please find a selection of pictures.
• July 21th 2024 - Markt Bibart
  • July 9th 2023 - Markt Bibart
    • July 14th 2019 - Markt Bibart
      • July 15th 2018 - Markt Bibart
        • July 16th 2017 - Markt Bibart
          • July 10th 2016 - Markt Bibart

• July 13th 2014 - Markt Bibart
  • July 14th 2013 - Markt Bibart
    • July 15th 2012 - Markt Bibart
      • July 10th 2011 - Markt Bibart
        • June 27th 2010 - Markt Bibart
          • July 11th 2009 - Markt Bibart
            • July 19th 2008 - Markt Bibart
              • July 15th 2007 - Scheinfeld
                • January 28th 2007 - Markt Bibart